August 18, 2007

Funny Customer Comments

I must confess, I eat dog biscuits. Not any dog biscuits, just the ones that we bake ourselves. Our organic dog biscuits smell so yummy in the oven, and you just have to try them when they come out. Cheese biscuits are good for lunch-time, and Apple-Cinnamon and Peanut Butter & Banana are great for mid-afternoon snacks, they go well with a cup of tea :) We just found out we are not the only ones.

One of our retail customers sent us an e-mail and said...

'' I have one client that loves to eat them himself and always keeps a bag in his car!!!"

And Lois, my neighbor and animal massage therapist, buys our biscuits for her canine clients. And she said her husband ate our Peanut Butter & Banana biscuits and he actually really liked them, funny! Just for record, Organic Doggy Kitchen does not recommend humans to eat our dog biscuits! Well, I do because I test one out of every batch to ensure deliciousness, but if you eat your dog's biscuits, you know that's one less biscuit for your dog... Can you stand those sad eyes?

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